
Christmas Amigurumi Crochet Pattern – Santa, Mrs Claus and Elf

The pattern for Santa, Mrs Claus and Elf is easy to understand, and is suitable for beginners or experienced amigurumi makers. The dolls are fast to make too, and I completed all my dolls over just one weekend! I’m really pleased with how they turned out. I made a set for our shop window and they have been receiving a lot of attention and wonderful comments. The pattern is only $4 for all three dolls, and includes detailed and easy-to-follow instructions, and photos to demonstrate various steps. I’m also willing to offer you assistance, should you need it. The pattern is available for instant digital download (pdf file) at my Ravelry store, or you can purchase it from my Etsy shop Roaming Pixies

The much-loved Santa
The delighful Mrs Claus
The cheerful Christmas Elf
Merry Christmas!

Make the whole set! The pattern for snowman and his girlfriend are available at my blog for free here.
Thanks for reading, and as always, I appreciate your thoughts and suggestions.